Coordinator of INEQKILL
Prof. Dr. Sylvie Gadeyne
Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Partners of INEQKILL
Prof. Dr. Philippe Bocquier
Centre for Demographic Research, UCLouvain
Prof. Dr. Isabelle Devos
Quetelet Center for Quantitative Historical Research, Ghent University
Prof. Dr. Thierry Eggerickx
Centre for Demographic Research, UCLouvain
Prof. Dr. Sophie Vanwambeke
Earth and Life Institute, UCLouvain
Postdoctoral researchers and other scientific collaborators
Dr. Caterina Mauri
Postdoctoral researcher
Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Dr. Jean-Paul Sanderson
Postdoctoral researcher
Centre for Demographic Research, UCLouvain
Harmony Brulein
Research Assistant
Earth and Life Institute, UCLouvain
Sven Vrielinck
Data and crowdsourcing manager
Quetelet Center for Quantitative Historical Research, Ghent University
Torsten Wiedemann
Quetelet Center for Quantitative Historical Research, Ghent University
Sarah Heynssens
Science Communication
Quetelet Center for Quantitative Historical Research, Ghent University
PhD students
Audrey Plavsic
Centre for Demographic Research, UCLouvain
Emmanuel Idohou
Centre for Demographic Research, UCLouvain
Valentin Charlier
Earth and Life Institute, UCLouvain
Lise Bevernaegie
Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Philippe Paeps
Quetelet Center for Quantitative Historical Research, Ghent University
Marina Vergeles
Centre for Demographic Research, UCLouvain
Janna Dinneweth
Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Joachim Gotink
Brussels Institute for Social and Population Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Sean Clouston
Program in Public Health, Stony Brook Medicine
Prof. Dr. Martin Dribe
Department of Economic History, Lund University
Prof. Dr. Bruce Link
Dean’s Office, University of California, Riverside
Prof. Dr. Pekka Martikainen
Population Research, University of Helsinki
Prof. Dr. Wilma Nusselder
Public Health, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Prof. Dr. Alice Reid
Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, Cambridge University
Prof. Dr. Michel Oris
Centre Interfacultaire de Gérontology et d’Etudes de Vulnérabilités, Université de Genève
Prof. Dr. Patrick Deboosere
Interface Demography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel